The 7 “Be” for a problem solver
7 The magic number
Be patient
You need to we aware that not always (although you can be a great problem solver) the solution is going to work on the first try. So let you be a bit patient, and do not rush on the eager to get things done quickly, rather than that just move step by step, and if don’t get it to work at first, or second, just try again!
Be focus
This is maybe one of the bigger issue people have nowadays, because of how easy is to get things the right way ( if you look the commercials, for example, the solutions are magically at an instant). Also because of the internet and how we live in this era, makes us distracted by any tiny thing and also too many times we are trying to achieve many different things at the same time. This types of behavior make us more prone to lose focus easily, and that can lead to the fact of having spending time on something without really “focus” on something.
Be proactive
This is probably one of the best characteristics of someone who is a problem solver. Don’t sit and wait someone else asks you things, or told you what to do. Take the action, go and get it, look forward a way to improve. If there is something broken, raised you hand and volunteer to find a solution for it, although you know 50% about it, or maybe nothing at all. Take the risk and set it as a goal.
Be enthusiastic
What is worse than someone you know really rocks on what they do, but when it comes the time to talk they sound bored, depressed, even dull? Hard situation, I know, and even you ask yourself if the person is the same because you cannot imagine that the person who has done that is not able to share that knowledge in the same way. This is very common, people do not always express them self with words, as they can do it with work done. And that is why, you have to be enthusiastic, make other people share your energy and enthusiasm about the problem you are facing because remember each problem is a challenge you can achieve.
Be open-minded
Lots of people usually used this phrase to just justify that what they are doing is not as crazy as we think it is. Regardless of those people, be open-minded in this context means do not throw away ideas that sound crazy, simply because that could be the solution or maybe you have to work on it a bit more. Being open-minded also means to listen, and listen to what? Those people that want to help and you think they are lack of experience, sometimes those people have great ideas and if you are not paying attention enough, you will lose it.
Be optimistic
Not much people could agree with me on this point, because the common sense sometimes related optimistic with over positive person. Which, I have to say is not the case, because we need to be realistic also, and the objective here is to think ( is more mental behavior) that the things are going to be fine. Is the way of thinking in which if you think positive you attract positive, well is pretty much the same, if you are negative you already influence the process and the people involved in a bad way.
In case you don’t know where this came from taking a look to s.m.a.r.t definition in the context of Scrum. We can use just the same words in this case. What means to be smart? ( not the word definition, of course). In order to solve a problem, you have to be specific, which exactly is your plan? What are you going to do?. Also, there have to be measurable, can you measure how you solve the problem after you apply the changes? Can you easily do a table or comparison, before and after?. Next one, is a tough one because is ok you have ideas, but those ideas can be achievable? That is the big question: could be done?. The following one is relevant, is the solution relevant? Or you are just trying to block the sun with one finger? The solution could not be the definitive one but have to be relevant to the situation. Last but not least, whatever solution you came up, have to be time base, is not like saying: this would be fixed anytime, I mean anytime... When?. This is well connected to the first one to be specific, you have to be specific about when you are applying changes, and when to expect the result to be shown.
Some of these characteristics are general, and probably not necessary applies for problem solver people, could apply for everyone.
So, this is the last part of the problem solver articles, what do you think?
Happy reading!! See you next time!